A One-Of-A-Kind Opportunity To Have Me Personally Help You Significantly Increase Your Income And Impact, By Creating And Growing Your Prosperous And Fulfilling Online Business !

After 15 years of running a 7-figure/year business (US dollars), serving customers/clients in 146 countries, without employees but a very small but effective team, I am here to help you.

With my expertise in voice, communication (oral and in writing), presentation, performance, creativity and high performance, in addition to my background in math, systems, and always being on top of technology, automation, AI and more, I have been able to do what few are able to do.

But mostly, I am a coach. I develop strategies for others to acquire high level skills and rapidly improve.

Today, you have a unique opportunity to develop at rapid-fire speed. Your soon-to-be-improved skills of product and offer creation, presentation and copywriting, business building, marketing, advertising and more, will not only serve to build greater income, but will positively affect every area of your life.



Every week, I will be available. The sessions will be recorded to view later if you cannot participate live. (It's not expected that you participate live every time.)

You'll be able to look over my shoulder and see how I create, launch, market and advertise. You'll learn the latest cutting-edge strategies and methods to prosper online. We will be doing hot seats and work on participant's businesses.

FACEBOOK GROUP to connect, get help and thrive.

Ask questions, connect with others, and get the help you need to effectively propel you forward and help you with challenges that you will inevitably face.


Instant access to the entire Online Business With Freedom program with a comprehensive library of videos 


 CLARITY and PURPOSE – LIVE Online Bootcamp
($497 value)

Recording of the live bootcamp that helps you discover your inner purpose and drive, your strengths and weaknesses, how you, your products and services can become of even greater value to others, and learn to make every presentation more influential.


Regular Additional Workshop Intensives And Bootcamps On Copywriting, Advertising and More!

Fill out this non-binding application first. You will then be sent an automatic email with a link to a questionnaire, and then we'll discuss and see if this is a right fit for you. 

If you need assistance, email [email protected]
