Speakers • Coaches • Teachers • Entrepreneurs • Sales People • Negotiators • Marketers •  Business Executives • Team Leaders • Influencers

And You In Any Field Who Would Like To Be More Confident, Influential And Impactful On Stage, On Camera, Or In Any Communication.

People in 146 countries have previously engaged in Per Bristow's trainings and events. Now come and experience this live intensive in a beautiful European city.

 In A Number Of Fields, Greater Impact And Success Really Comes Down To Our Ability To Connect With And Influence Others

If you’re a coach, what if you could influence your clients to do what they need to do so they get even greater results? What if you could attract more ideal clients?

If you’re a speaker (or you want to be a speaker), imagine being even more captivating, charismatic and free on stage. What if your message was even more powerful, and you’d get more and bigger speaking opportunities?

If you’re an entrepreneur, imagine attracting more customers, having greater reach, bigger impact, and you could scale effortlessly?

If you’re a business leader, or team leader, what if you could influence your team to become more productive and achieve greater results, and everyone loves and respects you for it?

We are, for example, going to cover how to:

Get a healthy, strong and resonant voice that turns you into a freer, more charismatic, confident, dynamic and attractive personality!

Release the fears, habits and beliefs that hold you back so you can take on greater challenges and achieve greater success, but with less pressure and less stress in your life!

Develop high level skills to communicate, connect, present, lead, influence and persuade to gain more clients/customers and to get greater experiences and results for your clients, customers, audiences and team members!

Elevate your career and boost your income – and become more fulfilled doing what you truly love to do in life!

Unlike Any Speaking/ Presentation/ Leadership/ Personal Development
Training You've Experienced Before

Yes, if in the past you've ever been to some kind of speaker/presentation training, leadership training, entrepreneurship training, or personal development training... you're in for a treat.

Consider, how it's possible that I went from an insecure teenager who would never stand up in front of a classroom and speak, to become a coach and entrepreneur who has helped people in 146 countries.

I still pinch myself sometimes reflecting on what has enabled me to come to a new country and build a thriving business from nothing. It's frankly because of the skills that I had to develop, and which I'm about to teach you, and which I've been able to help so many with.

Making You An Even More Inspiring And Impactful Presence

So yes, in this fun and interactive workshop, we are going to release your voice (hey we might even sing a little 😉)… release your ‘inner voice’… free you from the old restrictions of who you are and what you can be…

...ignite the enhanced, charismatic and influential you… make you realize the even greater value of you and how to communicate and present it!

And you'll see how this ties into expanding your reach, to get more clients, customers and opportunities.

What's The Point Of Being Great, Or Having Great Products Or Services, If Others Don't Know About Them? 

See, when I coach entrepreneurs, they tend not to realize their own potential. They don't understand their value. Few people do. And they certainly don't know how to present and market it. That's what I help them with and the results are often explosive.

And artists, phew... don't get me started. Seriously, I was a singer/performer, and artists are in general lousy when it comes to business, presentation and marketing, even if they might be good on a stage. 

No wonder they are often broke. Same thing with coaches. (I was broke too when I started coaching, even though I did good work.)

And corporate leaders and presenters, who are often taught how to walk, use their hands, vary pitch and speed of voice, while using slides, are about to come alive in a whole new way from what we'll do here.

If you experience stage fright or performance anxieties or social anxieties, please come to this event.

Yes, the combination of what we'll cover leads to greater outcomes when you communicate, present an idea or offer... when you sell or negotiate… 

...when you lead a team… when you coach or teach… 

Would It Be Okay If We Also Boost Your Income? 

So yes, you are also going to boost your income. If you're an entrepreneur/business owner, you'll create more effective marketing and advertising strategies. (Yes, I have spent $11 million on advertising and I DO NOT hire advertising agencies)

It all ties together the way we do it here.

And again, ultimately we want to be able to thrive and experience less stress in life. We want to feel excited to wake up in the morning and do something purposeful.

So if you're in a funk right now, if things aren't going as well as you would like in your business, career, relationships or life, then please come. You'll be mighty pleased you did.

We'll have a great time together.

What some have said after previous events

Per is absolute world-class both as a coach and a speaker"

"I've been speaking for 10 years around the world and have trained thousands of exceptional speakers and when I see brilliance, I just have to shout it from the roof-tops! Per is absolute world-class. Per's ability to captivate an audience and inspire them took my breath away!"

CARREN SMITH –– Speaker, Mindset Mentor, Best Selling Author

"One of the most effective and articulate teachers"

"I find Per Bristow to be one of the most effective and articulate teachers I have come across in the past 30 years! His work is authentic, practical, and truly useful contribution to the world of performance!

GREG WARBURTON – Sport Performance Mental Training Coach

"One of a few who have that magical ability to lift an audience to a new level"

"In the world of keynote speakers, there are just a few who have that magical ability to lift a whole audience to a new level. Per Bristow is one of that elite group. He motivates his audiences to explore the full scope of their human potential. He asks provocative questions stimulating people to question their own thinking and to stretch their abilities beyond the limits they previously assumed."

DAWSON CHURCH –– Author of the best-selling book: Mind to Matter: The Astonishing Science of How Your Brain Creates Material Reality.

So let's do this! Let's have some fun! Let's make some fascinating discoveries!

Regular Price:

Select Your City Below

Note: There are no refunds for any reason after August 1. Tickets are transferrable to another person if you wish. The video program "Influential Communication" will be provided to you free of charge on August 1. If you buy 2 tickets, you do NOT need to provide us with a name before the event. We will welcome your guest at the door.



10.00 am - 1.00 pm

In Copenhagen you will also have an opportunity to join an afternoon session with multiple Guinness World Record Holder, Stig Severinsen – the man who was dubbed The Ultimate Super Human by The Discovery Channel, and creator of Breatheology that helps people achieve greater health and optimal performance. AND you get an opportunity for a VIP evening experience with Per and Stig.




18.30 pm - 21.30 pm




2.00 pm - 5.00 pm




18.30 pm - 21.30 pm




18.30 pm - 21.30 pm

Even though Per speaks Swedish, this workshop will also be in English. International visitors are encouraged to come to beautiful Stockholm, and it will be great training for the Swedish audience to hear this in English.




9.30 am - 12.30 am




18.30 pm - 21.30 pm




18.30 pm - 21.30 pm




10.00 am - 1.00 pm

