Here’s your special opportunity to...
Experience The Breakthrough Speak With Freedom Training That Makes Your Voice Healthy, Strong, Resonant, And FREE…
...And That Turns You Into A More Confident, Attractive, And Influential Communicator!
PLUS Get The 3-Hour Voice Mastery Workshop For FREE!
(Use the Coupon Code that has now been emailed to you! (Note the expiration!)
Here's How We Develop The Instrument That Makes You More Influential And Impactful In Your Communications!
Hello, I'm Per Bristow
You may know that my Speak With Freedom home-study training has now for more than a decade helped people from all over the world – no matter what language they speak.
It has helped people prevent and recover from surgery.
It has helped people gain strong and resonant voices.
And the training turns people into more confident, attractive and influential communicators.
Overcoming Voice Problems To Gaining A Strong, Resonant, Flexible And Attractive Voice.
Maybe you experience a voice problem, or you feel tension when you speak?

Maybe your voice is weak and gets tired easily, or you have difficulty being heard, or you don’t feel comfortable speaking up, or speaking in front of others.
Maybe you would like a richer, more resonant and attractive voice?
Perhaps you'd like to be more respected, have greater authority and be more influential and impactful when you communicate.
The Quality And Resonance Of Your Voice Is Directly Related To How You Are Able To Resonate With Other People
The truth is that a tight, restricted, weak, strained, nasal, monotone, high pitched, or otherwise non-attractive voice, will not be able to influence and attract others compared to the resonant voice.
The good news is that your voice can be improved, and it can be improved significantly.
Improving your voice doesn’t mean you're going to sound like someone else.
On the contrary, you are finally going to sound like YOU - the real, authentic, powerful, confident, resonant and attractive YOU.

"I was tired of losing my voice"
"As an elementary school teacher, I was tired of losing my voice and decided to try out your program. It's been very helpful, and exceeded my expectations. I already know how to use my voice in a healthier way."
CHERYl VANICK // Teacher
Releasing And Improving Your Voice The Way We Do It Here Releases A More Confident, Attractive And Influential YOU!
By doing the Speak With Freedom training you will, for example, be able to:
As a result you become far more effective when speaking – whether that's on a big stage, in a small room, on the phone, on video, in circumstances such as:

In fact, you'll be more confident, influential and impactful in any kind of interaction with one or many human beings - whether in business or private life.
The training is also exceptionally effective with conditions such as:
As you are already well aware, the benefits of releasing, strengthening and freeing your voice are numerous.
It has a profound affect on how you are perceived by others, as well as how you feel inside.
Whether you communicate in a small room or on a big stage, in one-on-one meetings or in big groups, in virtual meetings or on social media, the freedom and resonance of you voice makes an enormous difference.
When we strengthen, empower and free your voice the way we do it here, you will experience greater confidence, impact and success in every area of communication.
A weak and timid voice goes hand in hand with a weak and timid personality.
A forceful and tense voice goes hand in hand with a forceful and tense personality.
A strong, resonant and attractive voice makes you more attractive, and it affects your confidence, charisma and entire persona.
Here's What You Get Today:

The Speak With Freedom Training
The world-renowned 12 module in-depth training program to make your voice healthy, strong, resonant and free.
Regular Price $497

3-Hour Voice Mastery Workshop
A recording of the 3-hour virtual workshop where Per coaches individuals, answers questions, and goes deeper on important strategies to train the voice
Regular Price $197

How To Influence An Audience And Get A Standing Ovation
We could also call this session: "How To Turn Anxieties Into Powerful Energy That Connects With Your Audience".
While this example from one of Per's live events is a singing performance, it serves as a great example of what you can do even when speaking.
Value $97

How To Effectively Use Your Voice When Presenting
Joel Weldon is a legend in the speaker industry, awarded with the highest accolades, and also a renowned coach for speakers.
In this conversation, we talk about "How To Effectively Use Your Voice" in presentations, to influence, and more.
Value $97

If for whatever reason, or no reason whatsoever, you want a refund, just send us an email within 30 days. It’s as simple as that.
What Is Your Voice Worth To You?
It goes without saying that learning to heal, protect, care for, and improve the most important instrument you have for communication should be valued a lot.
A training program of this caliber, that has been proven for more than a decade, should be priced accordingly.
However, because you are on this page, you now have the opportunity to get the Speak With Freedom program at a fraction of the $497 regular cost, (which of course is a fraction of what I would charge in private lessons).
Apply the coupon code in your email and you get everything for: :
ONLY $297!
Go below. Enter your information, and you get instant access. This will be fun and truly rewarding.
Per Bristow
Email [email protected] if you need assistance