Exclusive Voice Mastery Workshop For YOU Who Have Done The SPEAK WITH FREEDOM Program!

Thursday January 25 - 9am US Pacific Time

How To Get The Absolute Most Out Of The Training And Your Voice!

In this interactive workshop I'll address numerous aspects in regards to developing your voice.

We cover warm-ups and workout for various issues.  I answer questions and I coach participants (maybe you) live.

This workshop is only for those who have done the Speak With Freedom training.

If you haven't worked on any of the exercises in the Speak With Freedom program, please do so first. (It is recommended that you have done the first 5 sessions at least.)

We'll Cover Topics Such As How To:

  • Effectively heal a voice problem – overcome hoarseness, fatigue, and strain.
  • Get a richer and more resonant voice.
  • Project with less effort.
  • Speak for hours and hours without getting tired.
  • Get a more dynamic, melodic and attractive voice.
  • Improve your presentations - whether teaching, negotiating, making sales, or presenting an idea.
  • Become more Influential. This applies to selling, negotiating, dating, parenting and all areas of communication.

Fill Out Your Information Below

$97 FREE!

This is only for customers of the Speak With Freedom program, so make sure you use the correct email address when you register
