The Art Of Rapid Learning

How To Accelerate Improvements Of Any Skill – With Less Effort And No Added Time!

Whether you struggle to improve a skill, or you feel stagnant, or you want to find an edge to truly excel…

Here's to unlock your hidden ‘genius” and ignite unknown, new, and greater capacities within you!

Hello, I'm Per Bristow

There are two questions I’ve been “obsessed” with since an early age:

Why do some people progress faster than others even though they seemingly engage in the same activities? And how can I be that person who progresses quickly?

And what has annoyed me to no end is that the only answer people can come up with is “talent”.

Really? That’s it?!

Well, If so, then what exactly does that “talented “ person DO to progress quickly?

Demolishing The Myth Of Talent To Instead Unlock Newfound Abilities Within 

You may know that I’m the creator of several training programs that unlock voices, performance skills, communication skills, peak performance skills, creativity, entrepreneurship, and more.

In fact, my voice trainings (Sing With Freedom / The Singing Zone/ Speak With Freedom) are likely the most used training programs in the world for singers and speakers, and has been for the last 16 years.


Much of the reason for my success lies in the fact that I’ve developed high level skills in numerous areas, most importantly in areas I was NOT considered talented in.

How I Turned “Non-Talent” Into My Greatest Skills

Perhaps you know my story of being considered a “child prodigy” playing the violin, or how I turned from an adequate athlete to an elite youth athlete.

I went from having never sung a note before I turned 17 (and likely sounding like the proverbial strangled cat), to becoming one of the most sought after performers in Sweden.

But in school I would never ever speak up in front of a classroom. I was super awkward in many social settings. I failed every writing assignment. 

And now I’m world-renowned for coaching communicators, and the one who is writing this page in his second language.

How crazy is that?

Yes, life can change. But we have to be able to improve skills effectively.

The Unknown Ways To Drastically Improve Any Skill

Maybe you want to improve singing, playing an instrument, dancing, playing a sport, juggling, or any other physical activity.

What if there are ways to drastically improve skills?

What if there are ways to ignite your mind, body and psychology so that new neural connections are activated?

What if there are ways to activate your mind and body and so that your body is quickly able to do things it couldn’t do before?

Feeling That We’re Improving Is The Juice Of Life

To me, that feeling of improving, of being able to do things I couldn’t do before, is a magical feeling.

Yes, we can argue that growing, learning, improving, evolving is the definition of life.

Maybe you also feel that growing and improving gives you a sense of purpose and joy, perhaps even feelings of well-being and self-worth?

But maybe you’ve been struggling.

Maybe You Feel You Struggle To Improve
Or Come To Believe You Lack “Talent”

If you feel you’re not as good at others, or not as good as required, it’s possible you can’t or won’t participate in activities.

Understandably, that might make you feel left out, maybe lonely and sad.

Maybe you've labeled yourself as “not talented”, or not being good enough and you’ve come to accept that. 

If so, would you mind if we change that?

Improving Skills Also Expands Our Ability For Social Connections

Yes, we all know that improving skills is necessary for improving our careers. We also know that getting better at activities provides tremendous joy to our lives. 

But it’s also important to realize that improved skills also improves our ability to connect with people.

After all, when we are good at something we are obviously more confident, and we can attract new opportunities. Our skill levels often determine who we can participate with.

A Lifetime Devoted To Learning How To Learn And Teach Others

It’s because of all this that I have devoted a lifetime to figure out and develop strategies to improve effectively.

I've always wanted to get good at stuff. I don't care if others call me talented or hopeless. We don't have to be world class at everything. We don't need to compare ourselves with others.

But we want to IMPROVE. We don't want to waste time. We don't want to feel stagnant in life. We want to explore what is possible. We want to explore what we are capable of. We want to feel alive and enjoy what we do.

And I want to help others discover, release and improve their capabilities.

And that is why I'm so excited to offer to you this new training program.


A 6 Module Training Program That Ignites Extraordinary Abilities Of Your Mind And Body To Rapidly Improve Any Skill – And Yet, Takes Little Time Out Of Your Day!

You are going to learn seemingly magical ways of unlocking your inner genius.

You’ll tap into new levels of awareness and abilities of your mind and body.

It’s going to be inspiring. It’s going to be fun. And it’s going to be super valuable.


My Ulterior Motive For Producing This Course

When my son turned up on the baseball field at the age of 5 and caught a ball coming at him at full adult speed, people were astounded.

When he then proceeded to throw the ball further than a 10 year old, people’s jaws dropped.

 “Natural talent” they said.

But never did anyone ask what lay behind such skills.

When both my sons lay 100 piece puzzles before they turned 3, adults were dumfounded. 

“Natural genius” they said. 

Never once did anyone ask what the strategy was behind developing this ability.

And when I played the violin...

Never once did anyone ask what I actually did to be able to excel.

Now, you will learn this. And you will see how it applies to learning all kinds of skills effectively!

(Sidenote: Today my sons have graduated as aerospace engineer and naval engineer, and my throwing son was the youngest player in the European Baseball Championships as pitcher for team Sweden.)

To Inspire And Help The Younger Generation

My dream is that what I cover in this training will also help the next generation. Maybe you’re a parent, grandparent, teacher or coach. 

Too many kids grow up feeling "less than", "not worthy", "not good enough", and come to believe in what they can or cannot do.

I've met and coached so many adults who've lived their lives according to beliefs that were formed early on. 

We need to stop putting labels on kids and realize that we have no idea what a person's future capabilities are.

At one of my live events, an audience member said this. Although, I didn't write a book, I hope I've created something here that is even better.

I'm grateful that I've been able to help so many break through old traumas and conditioned beliefs.

I'm honored to have helped people discover greater capabilities within, and to experience newfound success and joy in their lives no matter what age. With this program I hope to take this to a new level.

And unless you've turned 132  don't you dare use age as an excuse for not doing this training! 

It's Time To Awaken New Abilities, Ignite New Inspiration, And Engage In The Joy Of Improving  Skills

You'll learn, for example, how to:

  • Use the magic of “Sensory Switching”
  • Power up your learning with “Tranquil Stress Escalation”
  • Tap into deeper kinesthetic awareness to access your body in new ways
  • Fire new neural connections for new learning
  • Program muscle memory even when you sleep

  • Create automatic inner motivation - (no need to have to motivate yourself)
  • Apply narrow focus vs wide focus, open and shut eye, visualization boosters
  • And so much more!

And of course you get a full 30 day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. 

Yes, of course you are fully covered by my 30-day money-back guarantee.

Go through the training. Use it. Implement it. Discover what happens. Experience how you feel.

If for whatever reason, or no reason whatsoever, you want your money back, just send us an email and it's done.

So let’s do this.

Let’s fall even deeper in love with, and spread the love of the art of learning and improving skills.

Register below and you get INSTANT ACCESS 

Email [email protected] if you need assistance with your order
